Saturday, June 26, 2010

You're Entitled...

To feel, think, act and perceive as you wish, desire, want and need. It is the job of the ones that truly love us to accept those choices.

I am thankful for the gracious people in my life who have supported me through this time and hope that the ones who have a bit more processing to do will find their way.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today's Lesson

As I've stated before, pregnancy teaches you so many things. For the past couple of weeks I've found myself complaining more so than usual. Most of my gripes center around the physical difficulties of being pregnant and wanting to meet my Bennett. I knew that this time would come, as so many people have informed that time will come to a crawl as the expected due date creeps closer. To make matters slightly worse, though not too terrible, I feel as if I've loss the essence of "woman" and have been overcome by being seen as just a soon-to-be mother.

To combat this, I've made it my directive to do two things:
One, take every second that I am pregnant and find the awesome and let of and accept the not-so-easy aspects. I simply cannot hurry along time, so I might as well enjoy it! He'll be here before I know it, and he'll arrive when he's ready.

Two, spend time each day doing things that expand me as a woman, professional, individual and creative soul so that some day I'll be able to share that person with my Little One and that I'll be more to him than just his mom, but someone with interests, talents and gifts.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

32 weeks 1 day

I want to blog more. Not necessarily for me, but so that I have some sort of record of what the heck is going on when I look back a couple years from now. 
What I have learned from being pregnant: 
  1. Patience–it makes every milestone, from hitting that 1 ounce mark to the time that their little eyes open, all the more worth it. 
  2. Humility–I dont know if it is out of the complete lack of control of everything (body, mind and hormones) or what, but no matter how you try to retain the life that you once had, pregnancy will overcome and soon you'll find yourself wearing yoga pants and flats rather than jeans and heals. 
  3. You can('t) run but/& you can't hide–There comes a point when you can no longer hid that you are pregnant. Sometimes this comes in the form of running to the restroom every five minutes because you're so sick, and for the lucky ones (like me–and I am so very thankful!) when you start to show. You surrender that the little one inside of you is going to have their way and you're OK with that. Smile, and sigh. 
  4. A greater purpose–well, duh, how could you not? You're growing a person! Not a plant, or one of those little foam dinosaurs that you place in hot water and watch expand, but a real life, living, breathing, human... well, person! 
  5. Sacrificing–this just goes without saying. Absolutely every sacrifice, whether it be for your health or the little one's health or betterment, they are all absolutely worth it. And most often times, the changes we make, are actually things we should be doing anyways so it's a win win for everyone. 
  6. Forced Calm–I know that it sounds funny, but you have to make yourself relax. There is too much to do and too much left unknown about having your first child that you get to the point where it is detrimental to your physical and emotional health to be thinking all of the time, so you find yourself self-imposing relaxation time for your own precious sanity. 
  7. Priorities–also another lesson that goes without saying. You place everything on a sliding scale; some things matter more, some less. For us organizational, put-it-in-a-box type freaks it helps to categorize the stuffs, both big and small. 
I am sure that there are many, many more, but I think that's good for now.