Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today's Lesson

As I've stated before, pregnancy teaches you so many things. For the past couple of weeks I've found myself complaining more so than usual. Most of my gripes center around the physical difficulties of being pregnant and wanting to meet my Bennett. I knew that this time would come, as so many people have informed that time will come to a crawl as the expected due date creeps closer. To make matters slightly worse, though not too terrible, I feel as if I've loss the essence of "woman" and have been overcome by being seen as just a soon-to-be mother.

To combat this, I've made it my directive to do two things:
One, take every second that I am pregnant and find the awesome and let of and accept the not-so-easy aspects. I simply cannot hurry along time, so I might as well enjoy it! He'll be here before I know it, and he'll arrive when he's ready.

Two, spend time each day doing things that expand me as a woman, professional, individual and creative soul so that some day I'll be able to share that person with my Little One and that I'll be more to him than just his mom, but someone with interests, talents and gifts.

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