Saturday, July 24, 2010

Your room is ready. All set with a bed to fall asleep in, fun toys to explore, clothes to keep your warm, books to expand your imagination.

Your home is awaiting. Filled with love, peace, calm and joy.

Your momma is patiently anticipating your arrival. She is ready to hold you when you are in need, kiss your sweet forehead, rock you to sleep, peek in on you at all hours of the day.

Life is ready for you. Come when you wish, little one of mine–whenever that may be. I will wait for you always, walk with you when you wish, love you from afar if you ask. Be it small or grand, whatever you need of me, I will always give you my all.

You are my son, and I, your momma. You have but to merely ask–for anything your heart desires.

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