Monday, January 25, 2010

virgin post to my pregnancy blog

Being pregnant has a funny way of making you feel as if you've joined the ranks of millions of women before you. There is comfort in knowing that while the shear mechanics of what will eventually happen are completely unfathomable right now, at least you know someone else has actually survived it and has a half-way normal life–well, as normal as life can be compared to your life prior to a child. However, there is a very lonely part of pregnancy. There are so many questions flying around in my overly hormone-laced brain right now. Some questions actually require me to take action on such as: what test should I have done? Do I have any risk factors that would possibly endanger the health of my little papoose? When is the right time to start thinking about what nursery motif I'd like? But there are other questions that are simply baffling AND have no answers–at least right now. For example: what will I do if my child hates me? What if they're a psychopath at the age of three? What if I cause it because i feed them the wrong type of mac and cheese?? The lonely part of pregnancy comes to light because you have no idea what questions are valid and what are just the result of a tired mind and body filled with fetus, retained fluids and massive amounts of hormones. 

In other news, Law and Order: Criminal Intent is the equivalent of spicy Italian food. Both are so very tempting, but wake me up in the middle of the night with the wrath of a thousand baby gates–damn, I hate those things. 

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