Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Waving the White Flag

So the little fetus squatting in my uterus and I had our first serious disagreement last night. I thought it was time for bed and JellyBean, well, had other plans. Instead of a nice, peaceful sleep, JellyBean decided to partner up with its new friend, other wise known as my digestive tract, and cause a whole bunch of unpleasantness in the form of a visually discernible mass moving through my lower torso at ≈3:00a. One and a half hours later, the time now being ≈4:30a, I was able to fall back asleep. Hours later I made my way out of bed, begrudgingly fell into some clothes and made my way into work bright and early at about 8:46a (ish).

BAM!!! Sneak attack! The army made up of JellyBean in conjunctions with its allies digestive track, hormones and last night's dinner caught up to me as a sit at my desk ready to tackle an unsurmountable pile of paperwork. I raised my white flag and retreated in the form of officially declaring today a "sick day."

You win, JellyBean. You've caused me to miss exactly 5.75 hours of work, but somehow I still love you. Now have some hot choco and revel in your victory.

P.S. Daddy told you to be nice to me. Capisce? 

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